Jimmy Kudo, known originally as Shinichi Kudo(工藤 新一Kudō Shin'ichi?), is the protagonist of Gosho Aoyama's series Case Closed, which is known in Japan as Meitantei Conan(名探偵コナン?, literally Great Detective Conan, officially translated as Detective Conan). A high school detective, he is forced to ingest the lethal poison APTX 4869 after his encounter with Gin and Vodka. Due to a rare side effect, the poison shrinks him into a child and he adopts the pseudonym Conan Edogawa(江戸川 コナンEdogawa Konan?) to hide from those who poisoned him. He moves in with his childhood friend Rachel Moore and her father Richard Moore as he awaits the day he can take down the Black Organization.